ios - 如何分享我构建并发现非常有用的自定义 swift 扩展

标签 ios swift github open-source swift-extensions


我是一名经验丰富的软件工程师(我的大部分经验与网络相关),最近开始使用 iOS 应用程序,我不熟悉快速扩展的打包和分发。

我目前正在使用 Carthage 作为依赖管理器,我知道 CocoaPods 更受欢迎,也许 Swift Package Manager 会在不久的将来出现 - 所以我希望能够发布扩展,以便人们使用任何这些包管理器可以轻松地将它们添加到他们的项目中。



I would recommend using a dependency manager like CocoaPods in order to make updating to newer versions of your extensions and installing them easier.

您可能还想在您的个人博客上分享指向 CocoaPods pod 的链接,并传播有关您的库/扩展的新闻。

In CocoaPods you should provide the .Swift file as the installable pod, but should also provide the Xcode project for pod try functionality, where people try out your extension before embedding it into their projects.

这是 CocoaPods 上的过渡扩展示例(这些是 GitHub 中显示的文件):

enter image description here

As you can see, a demo project is provided, but when installing the pod, only the relevant Swift files are added to the project.


希望一切都解决了。祝你好运 :)

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