swift - 球在 Pong Clone 中不动

标签 swift sprite-kit swift3

我的 Pong 版本有问题。 当我输入这段代码时,球不会在屏幕上移动。 问题出在哪儿? 请帮助我!

class GameScene: SKScene {

    var ball = SKSpriteNode()
    var enemy = SKSpriteNode()
    var main = SKSpriteNode()

    override func didMove(to view: SKView) {

        ball = self.childNode(withName: "ball") as! SKSpriteNode
        enemy = self.childNode(withName: "enemy") as! SKSpriteNode
        main = self.childNode(withName: "main") as! SKSpriteNode

        ball.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVector(dx: 20, dy: 20))

        let border  = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: self.frame)

        border.friction = 0
        border.restitution = 1

        self.physicsBody = border




ball.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVector(dx: 20, dy: 20))



不是吗?好的。如果 physicsBody nil,这段代码会做什么?是的,它什么都不做。那么,您是否在执行此代码时检查过 physicsBody 不是 nil


The default value is nil, which indicates that the node does not participate in the physics simulation at all. If a physics body is provided, when the scene’s physics are simulated, the physics body updates the node’s position and rotates the node.

没有代码显示您在球对象上设置了 physicsBody

关于swift - 球在 Pong Clone 中不动,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40619797/


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