ios - NSArray 不匹配 Swift 数组元素类型

标签 ios swift core-data

我正在尝试在 CoreData 的 UIPickerView 中显示项目。但是我总是在 pickerviews titleforrow 函数中得到一个 NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type。这是我的完整代码:

import Foundation
import UIKit
import CoreData

class Create_New: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate{
    var picker = UIPickerView()
    var picker2 = UIPickerView()
    var territory: [String] = []
    var company: [Company] = []
    var facility: [String] = []
    var specialty: [String] = []
    var a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        picker.delegate = self
        picker.dataSource = self

        picker2.delegate = self
        picker2.dataSource = self

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

        var appDel:AppDelegate = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate)
        var context:NSManagedObjectContext = appDel.managedObjectContext
        let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName:"Company")
        let fetchRequestTerritory = NSFetchRequest(entityName:"Territory")
        let fetchRequestFacility = NSFetchRequest(entityName:"Facility")
        let fetchRequestSpecialty = NSFetchRequest(entityName:"Specialty")
        let error:NSError

        do {
            let company_temp = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)

            company = company_temp as! [Company]
            a = company_temp.count

            let territory_temp = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequestTerritory)
            territory = territory_temp.flatMap{ $0 as? String }
            b = territory_temp.count

            let facility_temp = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequestFacility)
            facility = facility_temp.flatMap{ $0 as? String }
            c = facility_temp.count

            let specialty_temp = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequestSpecialty)
            specialty = specialty_temp.flatMap{ $0 as? String }
            d = specialty.count

        } catch let error as NSError {
            // failure
            print("Fetch failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    func numberOfComponentsInPickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
        return 1

    func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
        var x = 1
        if (pickerView.tag == 1){
            return b
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 2){
            return a
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 3){
            return c
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 4){
            return d
        return x

    func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {

    func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, widthForComponent component: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 200

    func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
        var temp: [String] = []
                if (pickerView.tag == 1){
            return  company[a-1].name! as String
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 2){
            return company[a-1].name
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 3){
            return company[a-1].name
        }else if (pickerView.tag == 4){
            return  company[a-1].name
        return temp[row]

我当时想做的是从 Coredata 中获取一些记录并将它们放入一个数组中,就像您在我的变量声明中看到的那样。但是我收到错误 AnyObject cannot be converted to String。 很抱歉这个简单的问题。我只是 Swift 和 iOS 开发的新手。

编辑: 我从这一行得到错误:return company[a-1].name!作为字符串


import Foundation
import CoreData

class Company: NSManagedObject {

// Insert code here to add functionality to your managed object subclass



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我刚从输出窗口注意到这段文字: 无法为实体“公司”加载名为“公司”的类。找不到类,改用默认的 NSManagedObject。


首先将数据模型文件中Company类的Module设置为Current Product Module

Company 中的属性 name 似乎被声明为可选的 String,并且由于该方法还返回一个可选的 String,它可能只是

return company[a-1].name

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