ios - 如何限制swift中的光标位置?

标签 ios swift cursor uitextview

如何使用 caretRectForPosition 方法或任何其他方法在 swift 中限制光标的最小位置。假设,我有一个包含一些内容的 TextView ,如果用户试图将光标移动到第三个位置之前,它不应该移动。这怎么可能?阅读了几篇关于它的文章,但没有回答我的问题。


我假设通过限制光标的最小位置,你的意思是在示例字符串之外:“这是一个示例字符串”——你想确保用户所做的选择在某个 NSRange 内?

UITextView 有一个委托(delegate)协议(protocol),其中包含一个在选择更改时调用的方法:

- (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(UITextView *)textView



func textViewDidChangeSelection(textView: UITextView) {
    let minLocation  = 3
    let currentRange = textView.selectedRange
    if (currentRange.location < minLocation) {
        let lengthDelta = (minLocation - currentRange.location)
        //Minus the number of characters moved so the end point of the selection does not change.
        let newRange = NSMakeRange(minLocation, currentRange.length - lengthDelta);
        //Should use UITextInput protocol
        textView.selectedRange = newRange;


- (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(UITextView *)textView
    NSUInteger minLocation = 3;//your value here obviously
    NSRange currentRange   = textView.selectedRange;
    if (currentRange.location < minLocation) {
        NSUInteger lengthDelta = (minLocation - currentRange.location);
        //Minus the number of characters moved so the end point of the selection does not change.
        NSRange newRange = NSMakeRange(minLocation, currentRange.length - lengthDelta);
        //Should use UITextInput protocol
        UITextPosition *location = [textView positionFromPosition:[textView beginningOfDocument] offset: newRange.location];
        UITextPosition *length   = [textView positionFromPosition:location offset:newRange.length];
        [textView setSelectedTextRange:[textView textRangeFromPosition:location toPosition:length]];



有关 UITextView 委托(delegate)的更多信息,请参见此处:

关于ios - 如何限制swift中的光标位置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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