ios - 修改 slice from string to string 函数以在找不到字符串时返回最后一个索引

标签 ios swift string extension-methods

我有一个切片函数,我得到了 here .我想知道如何修改它,以便如果未找到 to 字符串,但它找到 from 它将返回整个字符串的结束索引( .count-1).现在,如果我调用 .slice 并且没有找到 to 字符串,它显然会崩溃。

extension String {

    func slice(from: String, to: String) -> String? {

        return (range(of: from)?.upperBound).flatMap { substringFrom in
            (range(of: to, range: substringFrom..<endIndex)?.lowerBound).map { substringTo in



extension String {
    func slice(from: String, to: String) -> String? {
        if let fromRng = range(of: from) {
            if let toRng = range(of: to, range: fromRng.upperBound..<endIndex) {
                // "from" and "to" found, get parts between
                return String(self[fromRng.upperBound..<toRng.lowerBound])
            } else {
                // "to" not found, return everything after "from"
                return String(self[fromRng.upperBound...])
        } else {
            // "from" not found
            return nil


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