ios - Swift 4 - 如何在 pod 类中导入 AppDelegate

标签 ios swift cocoapods

我正在尝试将此代码添加到 cocoapods 库内的 View Controller

 public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
     (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).restrictRotation = .portrait

但出现 Use of undeclared type 'AppDelegate' 错误。如何将 AppDelegate 等项目文件导入到 pod 中?


Pod 应该可以在不同的项目中重用,因此您不会在 Pod 中包含项目文件。

您应该能够通过让您的 pod 定义一个协议(protocol),然后由您的项目应用程序委托(delegate)采用来实现您所追求的目标:

protocol RotationRestrictable {
    enum RotationRestriction {
        case .none
        case .portrait
        case .landscape

    var restrictRotation: RotationRestriction


public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    if let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? RotationRestrictable {
        delegate.restrictRotation = .portrait


import YourPod

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, RotationRestrictable {

    var restrictRotation: RotationRestrictable.RotationRestriction = .none {
        didSet {
           // Whatever you need to do

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