ios - 具有许多 UIView 的单例服务

标签 ios swift delegates singleton nsnotificationcenter

学得很快,只卡在一个问题上。我正在尝试将委托(delegate)与 singleton 服务一起使用。
使用委托(delegate)我想更新多个 View ,但由于 singleton 实现委托(delegate)保留最后一个 UIView。
例如,我有 3 个 UIView,ID 分别为 1、2、3。当我在 init body self.myservice.delegate = self 中执行操作时,将尝试使用特定的委托(delegate)方法前。 myServiceDidUpdate 然后在此委托(delegate)方法中访问 self.viewId 始终返回 last id
我猜这是由于 singleton 服务实现,想向您寻求帮助。


问题:是否可以保留我的服务的 3 个实例并在我需要的服务中保留变量?或者处理这个问题的最佳方法是什么


class SimpleView: UIView, AudioServiceDelegate {
    private var audioService = AudioService.shared
    var viewId: String?
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
        self.viewId = NSUUID().uuidString
        self.audioService.delegate = self

    func myServiceDidUpdate(identifier: String?) { <-- identifier coming from service i need to keep it across multiple views
        print("SELF", self.viewId) <-- Keeps always last initialized ID


class AudioService {
    static let shared = AudioService()
    var delegate: AudioServiceDelegate?
    var identifier: String?


    @objc func didUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {


你可以保留一个 uid 数组,但是多观察者的最佳实践是

// add observer wherever you want to register for new data
                           selector: #selector(self.calledMeth),
                           name: .didReceiveData,
                           object: nil)


// post when you want to publish data
NotificationCenter.default.postNotification(name: .didReceiveData, object: nil)

extension Notification.Name {
  static let didReceiveData = Notification.Name("didReceiveData")
  static let didCompleteTask = Notification.Name("didCompleteTask")

Delegate is used for 1-1 observing while notificationCenter is used for 1-m

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