swift - 使用 NSDate 获取复活节日期

标签 swift nsdate



// Set the components for Memorial Day (last Monday of May)

let memorialDayComps = NSDateComponents()
memorialDayComps.weekday = 2
memorialDayComps.month = 5
memorialDayComps.year = currentYear

var mondaysOfMay = [NSDate]()

for var i = 1; i <= 5; i++ {
    memorialDayComps.weekdayOrdinal = i
    let monday = calendar.dateFromComponents(memorialDayComps)
    let components = calendar.components(.CalendarUnitMonth, fromDate: monday!)
    if components.month == 5 {
let memorialDayDate = mondaysOfMay.last

因为日期设置得很好,我能够为以下假期成功创建 NSDate 实例:

  • 元旦
  • 小马丁·路德·金纪念日
  • 总统日
  • 阵亡将士纪念日
  • 独立日
  • 劳动节
  • 感恩节
  • 圣诞节

但是,我唯一难以弄清楚如何获得的是复活节。它每年都不同,所以我很好奇是否有其他人能够通过 API 或其他方式如此成功地获得复活节的日期。


我找到了 gist在 GitHub 上有一个解决方案可以准确计算和返回复活节的 NSDate


// Easter calculation in swift after Anonymous Gregorian algorithm
// Also known as Meeus/Jones/Butcher algorithm

func easter(Y : Int) -> NSDate {
  let a = Y % 19
  let b = Int(floor(Double(Y) / 100))
  let c = Y % 100
  let d = Int(floor(Double(b) / 4))
  let e = b % 4
  let f = Int(floor(Double(b+8) / 25))
  let g = Int(floor(Double(b-f+1) / 3))
  let h = (19*a + b - d - g + 15) % 30
  let i = Int(floor(Double(c) / 4))
  let k = c % 4
  let L = (32 + 2*e + 2*i - h - k) % 7
  let m = Int(floor(Double(a + 11*h + 22*L) / 451))
  let components = NSDateComponents()
  components.year = Y
  components.month = Int(floor(Double(h + L - 7*m + 114) / 31))
  components.day = ((h + L - 7*m + 114) % 31) + 1
  components.timeZone = NSTimeZone(forSecondsFromGMT: 0)
  let cal = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar)
  return cal.dateFromComponents(components)

println(easter(2014))  // "2014-04-20 00:00:00 +0000"

关于swift - 使用 NSDate 获取复活节日期,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30836183/


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