swift - 为什么 Dictionary.map 返回一个元组数组,它​​在哪里记录?

标签 swift dictionary map-function


let dict = [
  "key1" : 1,
  "key2" : 2,
  "key3" : 3,
  "key4" : 4,
  "key5" : 5

let array = dict.map{$0}
for item in array {


("key2", 2)
("key3", 3)
("key4", 4)
("key5", 5)
("key1", 1)


为什么 map 语句将我的项目转换为元组,这种行为记录在何处?


let array = dict.map{[$0.0:$0.1]}

...但我试图理解为什么 map 首先给我元组。


它是 DictionaryIterator<Key, Value> 的一部分.请参阅 HashedCollections 中的评论makeIterator 的模块:

/// Returns an iterator over the dictionary's key-value pairs.
/// Iterating over a dictionary yields the key-value pairs as two-element
/// tuples. You can decompose the tuple in a `for`-`in` loop, which calls
/// `makeIterator()` behind the scenes, or when calling the iterator's
/// `next()` method directly.
///     let hues = ["Heliotrope": 296, "Coral": 16, "Aquamarine": 156]
///     for (name, hueValue) in hues {
///         print("The hue of \(name) is \(hueValue).")
///     }
///     // Prints "The hue of Heliotrope is 296."
///     // Prints "The hue of Coral is 16."
///     // Prints "The hue of Aquamarine is 156."
/// - Returns: An iterator over the dictionary with elements of type
///   `(key: Key, value: Value)`.
public func makeIterator() -> DictionaryIterator<Key, Value>

关于swift - 为什么 Dictionary.map 返回一个元组数组,它​​在哪里记录?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41687593/


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