ios - LayerKit 的 newConversationWithParticipants 总是在第一次调用时抛出 FMDatabase "not an error"

标签 ios swift fmdb layerkit

我将 LayerKit 0.17.3 与 Swift 一起使用,newConversationWithParticipants 总是在第一次时抛出错误,域设置为 FMDatabase 并且出现“不是错误”错误。任何后续调用都会获得预期结果。


Error with creating LYRConversation: Error Domain=FMDatabase Code=0 "not an error"
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=not an error}


Error with creating LYRConversation: Error Domain=com.layer.LayerKit.Errors
Code=1013 "A conversation with a distinct participant list already exists
for participants [...]


@IBAction func didTapCompose(sender: AnyObject) {
    var conversation : LYRConversation?

    // create ATLConversationViewController
    let controller = ConversationViewController(layerClient: self.layerClient)
    controller.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true;

    // get recipient (user objectID) from member object
    let recipient = member.objectForKey(GlobalConstants.Parse.UserKey)?.objectId!
    // create set for newConversationWithParticipants
    let participants : Set = [recipient!]

    do {
        try conversation = layerClient.newConversationWithParticipants(participants, options: nil)
        controller.conversation = conversation
    } catch {
        print("Error with creating LYRConversation: \(error)")
    self.navigationController!.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)


Support over at 指出这是一个错误,将在下一个版本中修复。

关于ios - LayerKit 的 newConversationWithParticipants 总是在第一次调用时抛出 FMDatabase "not an error",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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