swift - 符合具有通用约束的协议(protocol)的弱属性

标签 swift generics protocols



protocol Alertable {
   associatedtype Alert

   func show(alertOfType alertType: Alert)
protocol ViewControllerDelegate: class, Alertable {

final class MyViewController: UIViewController {

   // MARK: - Types

   enum AlertType {
      case alert
      case warning

extension MyViewController: ViewControllerDelegate {
   typealias Alert = AlertType   // ! here i specify the associated type !

   func show(alertOfType alertType: Alert) {
      // code..


final class ViewModel {

   // ERROR: Protocol 'ViewControllerDelegate' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
   weak var viewController: ViewControllerDelegate?

   init(viewController: ViewControllerDelegate?) {
      self.viewController = viewController

   private func someFunction() {

      // ERROR: Member 'show' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'NewsFeedViewControllerInput'; use a generic constraint instead.
      viewController?.show(alertOfType: .warning)

      // code..




protocol ViewControllerDelegate: class, Alertable {}

extension MyViewController: ViewControllerDelegate {
    typealias Alert = AlertType   // ! here i specify the associated type !

    func show(alertOfType alertType: Alert) {
        // code..

类型别名在 MyViewController 中定义,但在 ViewControllerDelegate 中没有定义。目前尚不清楚为什么您在这个问题中需要 ViewControllerDelegate,但也许有些东西我们在真实应用中看不到。

ViewModel 中,将 ViewControllerDelegate 更改为 MyViewController:

final class ViewModel {
    weak var viewController: MyViewController?
    // ...

还有一件事,尽管与错误无关:您使用了许多 final class。它们应该是 struct 吗?

关于swift - 符合具有通用约束的协议(protocol)的弱属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54385370/


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