javascript - 使用 Raphael JS,部分填充一个圆

标签 javascript raphael

我正在尝试用一种颜色填充圆的一部​​分。例如,有一个 2/3 红色和 1/3 空的圆圈。

Raphael JS 文档帮助不大。解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么?


enter image description here

var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById('shape_container'), 400, 100);
var circle =, 50, 30);
circle.attr (
            fill: '#F00'

用上面的代码,我可以画一个全是红色的圆.. 我找不到任何方法来填充 2/3 红色..



function arcpath( canvas, x, y, r, ratio )
    if ( ratio >= 1.0 ) return x, y, r );
    var degrees = 360 * ratio;  //  we use this to determine whether to use the large-sweep-flag or not
    var radians = ( Math.PI * 2 * ratio ) - Math.PI / 2;    //  this is actually the angle of the terminal point on the circle's circumference -- up is Math.PI / 2, so we need to subtract that out.
    var pathparts = 
        "M" + x + "," + y,
        "v" + ( 0 - r ),
        "A" + r + "," + r + " " + degrees + " " + ( degrees >= 180 ? "1" : "0" ) + " 1 " + ( x + ( r * Math.cos( radians ) ) ) + "," + ( y + ( r * Math.sin( radians ) ) ),

    return canvas.path( pathparts );

var partial_circle = arcpath( canvas, 250, 350, 100, 0.75 ).attr( { fill: mapit_red, stroke: mapit_black } );

arcpath 函数中的几何结构相当简单(尽管我不得不查找 large-sweep-flag 的引用资料,这绝对不是显而易见的)。我确信这可以进行实质性优化,但这是实用的第一步。

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