javascript - 声音淡出,但不淡入——为什么?

标签 javascript audio web-audio-api

我想我了解 Web Audio API 的主要概念,以及声音的一般工作原理。即使我设法使声音“淡出”,我也无法弄清楚为什么在我写的以下片段中它没有“淡入”来表示问题:

(function ()
    'use strict';
    var context = new AudioContext(),
        wave = context.createOscillator(),
        gain = context.createGain(),
        ZERO = 0.000001;


    wave.type = 'sine';
    wave.frequency.value = 200;
    gain.gain.value = ZERO;


    gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(1.00, 1.0);
    gain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(ZERO, 3.0);

注意:同样的问题也出现在 Firefox (Linux) 和 Chrome (Windows) 上


gain.gain.value = ZERO 行替换为:

gain.gain.setValueAtTime(ZERO, 0);


基本原理在 actual specificationexponentialRampToValueAtTime() 函数:

Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from the previous scheduled parameter value to the given value

因此,如果没有先前的预定参数值(只有固定值),则该函数无法进行插值。这同样适用于 linearRampToValueAtTime 函数。

这也可能对 MDN documentation 有用:

AudioParam.value ... Though it can be set, any modifications happening while there are automation events scheduled — that is events scheduled using the methods of the AudioParam — are ignored, without raising any exception

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