javascript - 按自定义变量对数组排序

标签 javascript jquery arrays sorting

$("#show_times_available_" + pos).find("td span").parent().each(function(){ 
    array = array.sort();

我的数组获取所有元素并获取它们的 ID 并将其插入一个数组,这样我的数组最终将成为;

[ "mon_0600-0", "sun_0700-0", "thu_0600-0", "thu_0700-0", "tue_0300-0", "wed_0700-0" ];


[ "mon_0600-0", "tue_0300-0", "wed_0700-0", "thu_0600-0", "thu_0700-0", "sun_0700-0" ];

使用基本的 sort() 函数将按字母顺序排列,我知道 sort() 函数可以接受另一个函数。我只是不确定如何在 vanilla javascript 或 jQuery 中设置它。是否有 CASE THEN 或使用 when()then() 对这些进行排序的方法?我在谷歌和 SO 周围搜索过,但一无所获。


您需要将自定义函数传递给 sort()正如你所说。在这里,需要将日期和时间分开,然后返回日期部分和时间部分的比较(如果日期相同):

var arr = ["mon_0600-0", "sun_0700-0", "thu_0600-0", "thu_0700-0", "tue_0300-0", "wed_0700-0"];

// store the order of the days
var days = ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"];

var arrSorted = arr.sort(function(a, b) {
  // a and b are two times to compare

  // split each into days and times, e.g ["mon", "0600-0"]
  var aSplit = a.split("_");
  var bSplit = b.split("_");
  // get the index of the days to compare
  var dayA = days.indexOf(aSplit[0]);
  var dayB = days.indexOf(bSplit[0]);
  // if days are the same, compare the times using normal String comparison
  // if days are different, return the comparison of their position in the array
  return dayA == dayB ?
  	: dayA - dayB;


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