javascript - 无法理解这段关于 ES6 解构的片段

标签 javascript ecmascript-6

我正在阅读 latest one of You Don't Know JS series当它进入解构部分时完全迷失了。请帮助我理解这里的片段。此处的上下文即将使一些指定的配置生效,而其他默认配置仍然可用。


var defaults = {
    options: {
        remove: true,
        enable: false,
        instance: {}
    log: {
        warn: true,
        error: true


var config = {
    options: {
        remove: false,
        instance: null


config.options = config.options || {};
config.log = config.log || {};
    options: {
        remove: config.options.remove = defaults.options.remove,
        enable: config.options.enable = defaults.options.enable,
        instance: config.options.instance =
    } = {},
    log: {
        warn: config.log.warn = defaults.log.warn,
        error: config.log.error = defaults.log.error
    } = {}
} = config);


The previous snippet’s approach works because I’m hacking the destructuring and defaults mechanism to do the property === undefined checks and assignment decisions for me. It’s a trick in that I’m destructuring config (see the = config at the end of the snippet), but I’m reassigning all the destructured values right back into config, with the config.options.enable assignment references.

最困惑的是最后一句:with the config.options.enable assignment references. config.options.enable 和config.options 的其他属性有什么区别?



这是我的错别字。我刚刚在第二版中提出了一个问题来解决它。我应该说 config.enable.XYZ 以明确我指的是所有这些,而不仅仅是那个。很抱歉我的错误给您造成了困惑。

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