javascript - 表达JS/jestJS : How to split get() function to write simple jest unit test?

标签 javascript unit-testing express jestjs

如何在 expressJS 应用程序中定义 get() 路由以进行简单的单元测试?

因此,作为第一步,我将 get() 的函数移到了自己的文件中:


const express = require('express')
const socketIo = require('')
const Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio

const app = express()
const server = http.createServer(app)
const io = socketIo(server)

const setStatus = require('./lib/setStatus.js')

app.locals['target1'] = new Gpio(1, { mode: Gpio.OUTPUT })

app.get('/set-status', setStatus(app, io))


const getStatus = require('./getStatus.js')

module.exports = (app, io) => {
  return (req, res) => {
    const { id, value } = req.query // id is in this example '1'['target' + id].pwmWrite(value))
    getStatus(app, io)
    res.send({ value }) // don't need this


const pins = require('../config.js').pins

module.exports = async (app, socket) => {
  const res = [], index) => {
    res.push(app.locals['target' + (index + 1)].getPwmDutyCycle())
  socket.emit('gpioStatus', res)

所以首先我不太确定,如果我正确地拆分代码 - 考虑进行单元测试。

对我来说,唯一必须通过调用 /set-status?id=1&value=50 来调用 pwmWrite()(我猜)对象,由new Gpio定义,保存在expressJS的locals中。

第二个:如果这应该是正确的方法,我不明白如何编写 jestJS 单元测试来检查 pwmWrite 是否已被调用 - 这是在异步函数内部。

这是我的尝试,但我无法测试 pwmWrite 的内部调用:

test('should call pwmWrite() and getStatus()', async () => {
  const app = {}
  const io = { emit: jest.fn() }
  const req = {
    app: {
      locals: {
        target1: { pwmWrite: jest.fn() }
  await expect(getStatus(app, io)).toHaveBeenCalled()



您需要在 expect 语句之前调用方法 setStatusgetStatus, 并且您缺少对 req.queryres 的模拟,因为 getStatus 使用它们。

test('should call pwmWrite() and getStatus()', async () => {
  const app = {}
  const io = {};
  const req = {
    query: {
      id: '1',
      name: 'foo'
    app: {
      locals: {
          target1: { pwmWrite: jest.fn() }
  const res = { send: jest.fn() };

  // Mock getStatus BEFORE requiring setStatus

  //OBS Use your correct module paths
  const setStatus = require('./setStatus');
  const getStatus = require('./getStatus');

  // Call methods
  setStatus(app, io)(req, res);


  // Get called in setStatus

  // See if mocked getStatus has been called
  await expect(getStatus).toHaveBeenCalled();

getStatus 需要在要求 setStatus 之前被模拟,因为它在那里使用

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