java - 如何配置 Gradle findbugs 插件以提供更多错误描述?

标签 java gradle findbugs





RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE : A value is checked here to see whether it is null, but this value can't be null because it was previously dereferenced and if it were null a null pointer exception would have occurred at the earlier dereference. Essentially, this code and the previous dereference disagree as to whether this value is allowed to be null. Either the check is redundant or the previous dereference is erroneous.


您可以使用 Violations Gradle Plugin这样做。


║ Reporter │ Rule       │ Severity │ Line │ Message                                            ║
║ Findbugs │ MS_SHOULD_ │ INFO     │ 7    │ Field isn't final but should be                    ║
║          │ BE_FINAL   │          │      │                                                    ║
║          │            │          │      │                                                    ║
║          │            │          │      │    <p>                                             ║
║          │            │          │      │ This static field public but not final, and        ║
║          │            │          │      │ could be changed by malicious code or              ║
║          │            │          │      │         by accident from another package.          ║
║          │            │          │      │         The field could be made final to avoid     ║
║          │            │          │      │         this vulnerability.</p>                    ║
║ Findbugs │ NM_FIELD_N │ INFO     │ 6    │ Field names should start with a lower case letter  ║
║          │ AMING_CONV │          │      │                                                    ║
║          │ ENTION     │          │      │                                                    ║
║          │            │          │      │   <p>                                              ║
║          │            │          │      │ Names of fields that are not final should be in mi ║
║          │            │          │      │ xed case with a lowercase first letter and the fir ║
║          │            │          │      │ st letters of subsequent words capitalized.        ║
║          │            │          │      │ </p>                                               ║

Summary of se/bjurr/violations/lib/example/
║ Reporter │ INFO │ WARN │ ERROR │ Total ║
║ Findbugs │ 2    │ 0    │ 0     │ 2     ║
║          │ 2    │ 0    │ 0     │ 2     ║

║ Reporter   │ INFO │ WARN │ ERROR │ Total ║
║ Checkstyle │ 4    │ 1    │ 1     │ 6     ║
║ Findbugs   │ 2    │ 2    │ 5     │ 9     ║
║            │ 6    │ 3    │ 6     │ 15    ║

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