java - "assert"关键字有什么作用?

标签 java assert assertion

assert 是做什么的? 例如在函数中:

private static int charAt(String s, int d) {
    assert d >= 0 && d <= s.length();
    if (d == s.length()) return -1;
    return s.charAt(d);


如果您使用 -enableassertions 启动程序(或 -ea 简称)然后这个语句

assert cond;


if (!cond)
    throw new AssertionError();


例如,assert d >= 0 && d <= s.length(); ,正如您在问题中发布的那样,相当于

if (!(d >= 0 && d <= s.length()))
    throw new AssertionError();

(如果您使用 -enableassertions 启动。)

正式地,Java Language Specification: 14.10. The assert Statement说如下:

14.10. The assert Statement
An assertion is an assert statement containing a boolean expression. An assertion is either enabled or disabled. If the assertion is enabled, execution of the assertion causes evaluation of the boolean expression and an error is reported if the expression evaluates to false. If the assertion is disabled, execution of the assertion has no effect whatsoever.

“启用或禁用”-ea 控制。开关和“报告错误” 表示 AssertionError被抛出。

最后,assert 的一个鲜为人知的特性:

您可以附加 : "Error message"像这样:

assert d != null : "d is null";

指定抛出的 AssertionError 的错误信息应该是什么。

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