java - 使用 maven 插件的离线 swagger 文档

标签 java maven swagger swagger-maven-plugin

我正在尝试生成 swagger 文档,为此我需要启动服务器。我想离线生成 swagger 文档(不启动服务器),我刚得到这个链接 swagger-codegen-maven-plugin

但是当我将上面的插件添加到 POM.xml 时(我觉得应该在 maven 构建期间生成 HTML 文档),它根本没有做任何事情。请帮忙。



As the JSON resource listing is generated offline from source code it means that you do not need to add any runtime dependencies to your project and avoid potential headaches with different jar versions and jaxrs implementations. This also avoids increasing the size of your artifacts

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