java - 从 MySQL 数据库验证散列密码

标签 java eclipse hash verify

我在 Eclipse 中使用 Java,并在创建新用户时将散列密码存储在我的数据库中。这是用这段代码完成的..

String hashed_password = Password.hashPassword(passwordField.toString());
String query = "insert into user (username, password, usertype, license_code) values (?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement pst = connection.prepareStatement(query);
pst.setString(1, userNameTextField.getText());
pst.setString(2, hashed_password);


String test_passwd = passwordField.getText();
String test_hash = "$2a$12$N773YstmtU/1zIUe9An.r.P9U5BQp4o6.Qjk.J.zhA6ZtFytYuOZC";

System.out.println("Testing BCrypt Password hashing and verification");
System.out.println("Test password: " + test_passwd);
System.out.println("Test stored hash: " + test_hash);
System.out.println("Hashing test password...");

String computed_hash = Password.hashPassword(test_passwd);
System.out.println("Test computed hash: " + computed_hash);
System.out.println("Verifying that hash and stored hash both match for the test password...");

String compare_test = Password.checkPassword(test_passwd, test_hash)
? "Passwords Match" : "Passwords do not match";
String compare_computed = Password.checkPassword(test_passwd, computed_hash)
? "Passwords Match" : "Passwords do not match";

System.out.println("Verify against stored hash:   " + compare_test);
System.out.println("Verify against computed hash: " + compare_computed);

test_hash 变量是存储在新用户代码数据库中的散列密码。当我登录时,我知道我使用的密码与我在新用户提示中使用的密码相同。


Test stored hash: $2a$12$N773YstmtU/1zIUe9An.r.P9U5BQp4o6.Qjk.J.zhA6ZtFytYuOZC
Hashing test password...

Test computed hash: $2a$12$rbBleRV4gyLaY4.ZZ4fjiOrLW423TWYqKmv0ejws7mmFd2N3/eieK

Verifying that hash and stored hash both match for the test password...

Verify against stored hash:   Passwords do not match
Verify against computed hash: Passwords Match



public class Password {
// Define the BCrypt workload to use when generating password hashes. 10-31 is a valid value.
private static int workload = 12;

 * This method can be used to generate a string representing an account password
 * suitable for storing in a database. It will be an OpenBSD-style crypt(3) formatted
 * hash string of length=60
 * The bcrypt workload is specified in the above static variable, a value from 10 to 31.
 * A workload of 12 is a very reasonable safe default as of 2013.
 * This automatically handles secure 128-bit salt generation and storage within the hash.
 * @param password_plaintext The account's plaintext password as provided during account creation,
 *               or when changing an account's password.
 * @return String - a string of length 60 that is the bcrypt hashed password in crypt(3) format.
public static String hashPassword(String password_plaintext) {
    String salt = BCrypt.gensalt(workload);
    String hashed_password = BCrypt.hashpw(password_plaintext, salt);


 * This method can be used to verify a computed hash from a plaintext (e.g. during a login
 * request) with that of a stored hash from a database. The password hash from the database
 * must be passed as the second variable.
 * @param password_plaintext The account's plaintext password, as provided during a login request
 * @param stored_hash The account's stored password hash, retrieved from the authorization database
 * @return boolean - true if the password matches the password of the stored hash, false otherwise
public static boolean checkPassword(String password_plaintext, String stored_hash) {
    boolean password_verified = false;

    if(null == stored_hash || !stored_hash.startsWith("$2a$"))
        throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hash provided for comparison");

    password_verified = BCrypt.checkpw(password_plaintext, stored_hash);



我不熟悉 Java,但在我看来,您从密码输入字段中获取值的方式有误,也许您应该检查一下:

// In the registration form

// In the login form

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