java - Maven Surefire 插件 : what is meaning of filesystem in runOrder?

标签 java maven maven-failsafe-plugin

我想知道我的集成测试是否会按特定顺序运行并查看了 maven-failsafe-plugin documentation , 这是


Defines the order the tests will be run in. Supported values are "alphabetical", "reversealphabetical", "random", "hourly" (alphabetical on even hours, reverse alphabetical on odd hours), "failedfirst", "balanced" and "filesystem". Odd/Even for hourly is determined at the time the of scanning the classpath, meaning it could change during a multi-module build. Failed first will run tests that failed on previous run first, as well as new tests for this run. Balanced is only relevant with parallel=classes, and will try to optimize the run-order of the tests to make all tests complete at the same time, reducing the overall execution time. Note that the statistics are stored in a file named .surefire-XXXXXXXXX beside pom.xml, and should not be checked into version control. The "XXXXX" is the SHA1 checksum of the entire surefire configuration, so different configurations will have different statistics files, meaning if you change any config settings you will re-run once before new statistics data can be established.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.7
  • Required: No
  • Default: filesystem




您可以使用 ls -U 在 linux 上显示该顺序。

来自 ls 联机帮助页:

-U     do not sort; list entries in directory order

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