java - 未命名模块通过 ServiceLoader::load 与命名模块交互

标签 java java-9 java-module module-info


        \ 的实现是:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ServiceLoader<ApiInterface> services = ServiceLoader.load(ApiInterface.class);

请注意,main 是未命名的模块。

api/src/ 是:

module {


更新 1.1 - 下面的代码已更新,请参阅评论,添加了要求

更新 1.2 - 下面的代码已更新,provides A with B 更改为 provides B with A 创建问题时出错,原本是可以的

module {
     requires; //added (update 1.1)
         with; //vice versa (update 1.2)

当我在 中运行我的代码时,我最终在 services 中没有元素。

我还尝试在 中创建一个静态方法:

static List<ApiInterface> getInstances() {
    ServiceLoader<ApiInterface> services = ServiceLoader.load(ApiInterface.class);
    List<ApiInterface> list = new ArrayList<>();
    return list;

并添加 api/src/module-info.javauses; 但它给出了相同的结果(无)。

我让它工作的唯一方法是将 main 从未命名模块迁移到命名模块。

<强>1。当未命名模块尝试与命名模块交互时,java 9 如何工作?

<强>2。是否有可能让它工作并保持 main 像未命名的模块?

更新 1.3 - added related project


ServiceLoader::load 照常工作,但还有其他事情。


1. 未命名模块命名模块命名模块的读取相同,但已命名模块 无法访问未命名模块 中的类型。

2.您正在尝试从非模块化 JAR 启动应用程序,因此您必须通过 --add-modules 明确解析所需的模块。 .

请注意,您需要的模块必须在模块图 上(例如,通过--module-path 添加)。


1. 有 4 种不同类型的模块:内置平台模块、命名模块、自动模块 未命名模块 和每个其中的命名不同于未命名模块

As they wrote 未命名模块命名模块一样对待所有其他模块:

All other modules have names, of course, so we will henceforth refer to those as named modules.

The unnamed module reads every other module. [...]

The unnamed module exports all of its packages. [...] It does not, however, mean that code in a named module can access types in the unnamed module. A named module cannot, in fact, even declare a dependence upon the unnamed module. [...]

If a package is defined in both a named module and the unnamed module then the package in the unnamed module is ignored.

甚至自动模块也是named :

An automatic module is a named module that is defined implicitly, since it does not have a module declaration.

2. Second part of this answer

If you compile non-modular code or launch an application from a non-modular JAR, the module system is still in play and because non-modular code does not express any dependencies, it will not resolve modules from the module path.

So if non-modular code depends on artifacts on the module path, you need to add them manually with the --add-modules option. Not necessarily all of them, just those that you directly depend on (the module system will pull in transitive dependencies) - or you can use ALL-MODULE-PATH (check the linked post, it explains this in more detail).

这个@nullpointer 注释会很有用

Also, the module resolution still needed the impl to be resolved during the startup. To check which you could also make use of the --show-module-resolution flag.

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