java - 如何改进 2 个对象字段的繁琐比较

标签 java reflection

我们有一个程序通过检查 Student 的每个字段并计算差异来比较数千对 Students:

class Student{

   String name;
   String address;
   String biologyCourse;
   // about 100 other fields

和计数器 POJO 类:

class Counters{
  long bothStudentsHaveName;
  long onlyLeftHasName;
  long onlyRightHasName;

  // number of fields in Student * 3 (both, only left, only right)

我们的比较函数接受 2 个学生加上计数器对象,需要扫描字段并更新相关计数器:

    public void compareStudents(Student left, Student right, Counters counters){

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( && !StringUtils.isEmpty( ){
        } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty( && !StringUtils.isEmpty({
        } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( && StringUtils.isEmpty({

     /// and now??

此时,我们可以像上面那样添加 100 个以上的 if/else 三元组 - 但我们相信应该有更简单的方法来做到这一点。

Reflection 可以是一个选项,也可以是 X 维数组,但我们能否以某种方式编写代码,使比较和计数更加通用?


我已经用一个循环解决了你的问题。但在这里我假设所有字段的命名约定都与您的问题中描述的相同。在这里,我动态访问 Student 字段并相应地更新 Counter 字段。这是完整的解决方案:


public class Solution {
    public void compareStudents(Student left, Student right, Counter counter) throws Exception {
        for (Field field : Student.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
            Object leftValue = field.get(left);
            Object rightValue = field.get(right);

            String fieldName = field.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.getName().substring(1);

            if(leftValue != null && rightValue != null) {
                Field counterField = Counter.class.getDeclaredField("bothStudentsHave" + fieldName);
                counterField.set(counter, (long) counterField.get(counter) + 1);
            } else if (leftValue != null) {
                Field counterField = Counter.class.getDeclaredField("onlyLeftHas" + fieldName);
                counterField.set(counter, (long) counterField.get(counter) + 1);
            } else if (rightValue != null) {
                Field counterField = Counter.class.getDeclaredField("onlyRightHas" + fieldName);
                counterField.set(counter, (long) counterField.get(counter) + 1);


class Student {
    String name;
    String address;
    String biologyCourse;


class Counter {
    // name
    long bothStudentsHaveName;
    long onlyLeftHasName;
    long onlyRightHasName;
    // address
    long bothStudentsHaveAddress;
    long onlyLeftHasAddress;
    long onlyRightHasAddress;
    // biologyCourse
    long bothStudentsHaveBiologyCourse;
    long onlyLeftHasBiologyCourse;
    long onlyRightHasBiologyCourse;
    // ... and so on

    public String toString() {
        return "Counter{" + "\n" +
                "\tbothStudentsHaveName = " + bothStudentsHaveName + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyLeftHasName = " + onlyLeftHasName + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyRightHasName = " + onlyRightHasName + "\n" +
                "\t, bothStudentsHaveAddress = " + bothStudentsHaveAddress + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyLeftHasAddress = " + onlyLeftHasAddress + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyRightHasAddress = " + onlyRightHasAddress + "\n" +
                "\t, bothStudentsHaveBiologyCourse = " + bothStudentsHaveBiologyCourse + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyLeftHasBiologyCourse = " + onlyLeftHasBiologyCourse + "\n" +
                "\t, onlyRightHasBiologyCourse = " + onlyRightHasBiologyCourse + "\n" +


public class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Creating Dummy Variables
        Student student1 = new Student(); = "Test";
        student1.biologyCourse = "Yes";
        Student student2 = new Student(); = "Test1";
        student2.address = "abc street";
        Counter counter = new Counter();

        // Comparing Students
        Solution solution = new Solution();
        solution.compareStudents(student1, student2, counter);

        // Printing Counter


  bothStudentsHaveName = 1
  , onlyLeftHasName = 0
  , onlyRightHasName = 0
  , bothStudentsHaveAddress = 0
  , onlyLeftHasAddress = 0
  , onlyRightHasAddress = 1
  , bothStudentsHaveBiologyCourse = 0
  , onlyLeftHasBiologyCourse = 1
  , onlyRightHasBiologyCourse = 0

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