java - 如何在 Jersey 中注册一个静态类?

标签 java jersey

我有一个类,其中只能通过 @path 注释访问静态方法,并且没有公共(public)构造函数。我的简化程序是:

static class MyStaticClass
  private MyStaticClass() {...}
 @Get @Path("time")
  static public String time()


WARNUNG: The following warnings have been detected: WARNING: HK2 service reification failed for [...] with an exception:
MultiException stack 1 of 2
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Could not find a suitable constructor in [...] class.


抱歉,根据JSR , 第 3.1.2 段

Root resource classes are instantiated by the JAX-RS runtime and MUST have a public constructor for which the JAX-RS runtime can provide all parameter values. Note that a zero argument constructor is permissible under this rule.

您可以使用 Adapter design pattern并创建 JAX-RS 资源(带有@Path 的 POJO),它只是委托(delegate)给您的静态类。这对于后面的人来说很容易理解。

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