Java 扩展/包装内置类有多普遍

标签 java class coding-style built-in

我是 Java 语言的新手,我尝试编写我的第一个相对复杂的程序。在我写了几个类之​​后,我意识到我几乎不直接使用内置类(比如 BigInteger、MessageDigest、ByteBuffer),因为它们不能完全满足我的需要。相反,我编写了自己的类,并在类内部使用内置类作为属性。 示例:

public class SHA1 {
    public static final int SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH = 20;

    private MessageDigest md;

    public SHA1() {
        try {
            md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

    public void update(byte[] data) {

    public void update(BigNumber bn) {

    public void update(String data) {

    public byte[] digest() {
        return md.digest();

通过以下简单类,我在使用 SHA1 时不必使用 try catch,我可以将自定义 BigNumber 类作为参数,我也可以将 String 作为参数来更新函数。

以下 BigNumber 类包含我需要的所有功能以及我需要它们的方式。

public class BigNumber {
    private BigInteger m_bn;

    public BigNumber() {
        m_bn = new BigInteger("0");

    public BigNumber(BigInteger bn) {
        m_bn = bn;

    public BigNumber(String hex) {

    //reversed no minsize
    public byte[] asByteArray() {
        return asByteArray(0, true);

    //reversed with minsize
    public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize) {
        return asByteArray(minSize, true);

    public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize, boolean rev) {
        byte[] mag = m_bn.toByteArray();

        //delete sign bit
        //there is always a sign bit! so if bitNum % 8 is zero then
        //the sign bit created a new byte (0th)
        if(getNumBits() % 8 == 0) {
            byte[] tmp = new byte[mag.length-1];
            System.arraycopy(mag, 1, tmp, 0, mag.length-1);
            mag = tmp;

        //extend the byte array if needed
        int byteSize = (minSize >= getNumBytes()) ? minSize : getNumBytes();
        byte[] tmp = new byte[byteSize]; 

        //if tmp's length smaller then byteSize then we keep 0x00-s from left
        System.arraycopy(mag, 0, tmp, byteSize-mag.length, mag.length);

        if(rev) ByteManip.reverse(tmp);

        return tmp;

    public String asHexStr() {
        return ByteManip.byteArrayToHexStr(asByteArray(0, false));

    public void setHexStr(String hex) {
        m_bn = new BigInteger(hex, 16);

    public void setBinary(byte[] data) {
        //reverse = true
        //set as hex (binary set has some bug with the sign bit...)
        m_bn = new BigInteger(ByteManip.byteArrayToHexStr(data), 16);

    public void setRand(int byteSize) {
        byte[] tmp = new byte[byteSize];
        new Random().nextBytes(tmp);
        //reversing byte order, but it doesn't really matter since it is a random

    public int getNumBytes() {
        return (m_bn.bitLength() % 8 == 0) ? (m_bn.bitLength() / 8) : (m_bn.bitLength() / 8 + 1);

    public int getNumBits() {
        return m_bn.bitLength();

    public boolean isZero() {
        return m_bn.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);

    public BigNumber modExp(BigNumber exp, BigNumber mod) {
        return new BigNumber(m_bn.modPow(exp.m_bn, mod.m_bn));

    public BigNumber mod(BigNumber m) {
        return new BigNumber(m_bn.mod(m.m_bn));

    public BigNumber add(BigNumber bn) {
        return new BigNumber(m_bn.add(bn.m_bn));

    public BigNumber subtract(BigNumber bn) {
        return new BigNumber(m_bn.subtract(bn.m_bn));

    public BigNumber multiply(BigNumber bn) {
        return new BigNumber(m_bn.multiply(bn.m_bn));

我的问题是,在 Java 语言中使用这些类而不是内置类有多普遍?它是否会使其他程序员无法阅读我的代码(与使用内置类实现所有内容相比)?

我读到新的 C++ 程序员拼命尝试编写他们过去用 C 编写的代码,因此 C++ 的好处对他们来说仍然是隐藏的。 恐怕我在 Java 中做了类似的事情:尝试自己实现所有内容,而不是直接使用内置类。 这会发生吗(例如在 BigNumber 类中)?




public class CommonUtil{

  public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize)
    return "something".getBytes();

  // add more utility methods


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