java - 内存不足错误 : Compressed class space

标签 java memory-leaks java-8 out-of-memory metaspace


 "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Compressed class space"

在我弄清楚触发因素之前,我尝试 使用






此异常在 Understand the OutOfMemoryError Exception 中进行了解释:

Cause: On 64-bit platforms a pointer to class metadata can be represented by a 32-bit offset (with UseCompressedOops). This is controlled by the command line flag UseCompressedClassPointers (on by default). If the UseCompressedClassPointers is used, the amount of space available for class metadata is fixed at the amount CompressedClassSpaceSize. If the space needed for UseCompressedClassPointers exceeds CompressedClassSpaceSize, a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with detail Compressed class space is thrown.

Action: Increase CompressedClassSpaceSize or you can turn off UseCompressedClassPointers. Note: There are bounds on the acceptable size of CompressedClassSpaceSize. For example -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=4g, exceeds acceptable bounds will result in a message such as CompressedClassSpaceSize of 4294967296 is invalid; must be between 1048576 and 3221225472.

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