node.js - 如何在 Sequelize 模型中添加实例方法

标签 node.js sequelize.js

我想用 postgres 添加一个实例方法到 Sequelize User 模型。 User 模型定义如下:

const Sql = require('sequelize');
const db = require("../startup/db");

const User = db.define('user', {
    id: {type: Sql.INTEGER,
         min: 1},
    name: {type: Sql.STRING,
           allowNull: false,
           min: 2,
           max: 50
    email: {type: Sql.STRING,
            isEmail: true},       
    encrypted_password: {type: Sql.STRING,
                         min: 8},
    createdAt: Sql.DATE,
    updatedAt: Sql.DATE

我在模型 User 中寻找这样的东西:

User.instanceMethods.create(someMethod => function() {
   //method code here


let user = new User();

Sequelize 中有模型的 Instance 但不是实例方法。在 Sequelize 模型中添加实例方法的正确方法是什么?


const User = db.define('user', {
    id: {type: Sql.INTEGER,
         min: 1},
    name: {type: Sql.STRING,
           allowNull: false,
           min: 2,
           max: 50
    email: {type: Sql.STRING,
            isEmail: true},       
    encrypted_password: {type: Sql.STRING, min: 8},
    createdAt: Sql.DATE,
    updatedAt: Sql.DATE

// This is an hook function
User.beforeSave((user, options) => {
   // Do something

// This is a class method
User.classMethod = function (params) {
    // Do something with params

// This is an instance method
User.prototype.instanceMethod = function (params) {
    // Do something with params

关于node.js - 如何在 Sequelize 模型中添加实例方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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