node.js - 使用 Gradle 构建 NodeJS

标签 node.js gradle

我是 Gradle 的新手。我昨天开始阅读它。我找到了一个构建 Node 应用程序的示例 build.gradle。我对文件的内容有点困惑。我不确定哪些是保留词或预定义词。其中一个字符串是 node。它没有在某处使用,但我发现 Node 插件需要它。

    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url ''

        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.moowork.gradle:gradle-node-plugin:1.2.0'

    apply plugin: 'base'
    apply plugin: 'com.moowork.node' // gradle-node-plugin

    node {
        /* gradle-node-plugin configuration

        Task name pattern:
        ./gradlew npm_<command> Executes an NPM command.

        // Version of node to use.
        version = '10.14.1'

        // Version of npm to use.
        npmVersion = '6.4.1'

        // If true, it will download node using above parameters.
        // If false, it will try to use globally installed node.
        download = true

    npm_run_build {
        // make sure the build task is executed only when appropriate files change
        inputs.files fileTree('public')
        inputs.files fileTree('src')

        // 'node_modules' appeared not reliable for dependency change detection (the task was rerun without changes)
        // though 'package.json' and 'package-lock.json' should be enough anyway
        inputs.file 'package.json'
        inputs.file 'package-lock.json'

        outputs.dir 'build'

    // pack output of the build into JAR file
    task packageNpmApp(type: Zip) {
        dependsOn npm_run_build
        baseName 'npm-app'
        extension 'jar'
        destinationDir file("${projectDir}/build_packageNpmApp")
        from('build') {
            // optional path under which output will be visible in Java classpath, e.g. static resources path
            into 'static'

    // declare a dedicated scope for publishing the packaged JAR
    configurations {


    // expose the artifact created by the packaging task
    artifacts {
        npmResources(packageNpmApp.archivePath) {
            builtBy packageNpmApp
            type 'jar'

    assemble.dependsOn packageNpmApp

    String testsExecutedMarkerName = "${projectDir}/.tests.executed"

    task test(type: NpmTask) {
        dependsOn assemble

        // force Jest test runner to execute tests once and finish the process instead of starting watch mode
        environment CI: 'true'

        args = ['run', 'test']

        inputs.files fileTree('src')
        inputs.file 'package.json'
        inputs.file 'package-lock.json'

        // allows easy triggering re-tests
        doLast {
            new File(testsExecutedMarkerName).text = 'delete this file to force re-execution JavaScript tests'
        outputs.file testsExecutedMarkerName

    check.dependsOn test

    clean {
        delete packageNpmApp.archivePath
        delete testsExecutedMarkerName

还有,build.gradle是怎么解析的?我还想知道它是如何神奇地下载 Node 和 npm 工具的。



  • Gradle 旨在向开发人员隐藏逻辑。
  • 大多数 *.gradle 文件包含配置 block (闭包)以指定如何逻辑应该运行。
  • 插件通过更多可配置逻辑增强了 gradle。
  • 此外,“约定优于配置”是 gradle 及其插件中强调的一种做法,提供合理的默认值以最大程度地减少开发人员的配置工作。
  • com.moowork.node插件通过 node 扩展 block 配置。
  • Extension blocks是 gradle 允许插件向标准 gradle 模型添加更多“保留”词的方式。
  • download = true 配置告诉插件下载 Node (version = '10.14.1') 和 nmp (npmVersion = '6.4.1' ) 在项目的根目录中(除非您也覆盖其默认值)。
  • 这些工具的下载将在调用任何插件任务时发生。


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