JavaScript 通过调用祖先函数进行继承

标签 javascript node.js inheritance



function Localizor(type) {
  this.language = "English"
  this.endonym = "English"

  if (window[type]) {
    return new window[type]()
Localizor.prototype.native = function native() {
  return "I speak " + this.endonym
Localizor.prototype.english = function () {
  return "I speak " + this.language

function French () {
  this.language = "French";  
  this.endonym = "français"
French.prototype = new Localizor()
French.prototype.native = function french() {
  return "Je parle " + this.endonym

function Thai () {
  this.language = "Thai";  
  this.endonym = "ไทย"
Thai.prototype = new Localizor()
Thai.prototype.native = function thai() {
  return "พูดภาษา" + this.endonym

如果我在不带参数(或使用无效参数)的情况下调用 new Localizor(),我会得到一个简单的英语对象。如果我用“法语”或“泰语”参数调用它,我会得到一个对象,其中继承者会覆盖一些继承的方法,以便它说法语或泰语。例如:

var thai = new Localizor("Thai")
var feedback = thai.language + " | " + thai.endonym + " | " + thai.english() + " | " + thai.native()  

这给了我输出Thai | ไทย |我说泰语 | พูดภาษาไทย

1. 这种类型的继承是否已在某处记录(是否有名称)?
3. 此示例检查 window[type] 是否存在,这在浏览器中工作时很有用。如果这是在 Node.js 的模块中,是否有等效的方法来确定模块中是否存在函数?

编辑响应 Zero21xxx


function extend(Child, Parent) {
  function F() {}
  F.prototype = Parent.prototype
  Child.prototype = new F()
  //Child.prototype.constructor = Child
  Child.parent = Parent.prototype

function Localizor(type) {
  this.language = "English"
  this.endonym = "English"

  this.French = function français () {
    this.language = "French";  
    this.endonym = "français"
  extend(this.French, this)
  this.French.prototype.native = function french() {
    return "Je parle " + this.endonym

  this.Thai = function ไทย () {
    this.language = "Thai";  
    this.endonym = "ไทย"
  extend(this.Thai, this)
  this.Thai.prototype.native = function thai() {
    return "พูดภาษา" + this.endonym

  if (typeof this[type] === "function") {
   return new this[type]()
Localizor.prototype.native = function native() {
  return "I speak " + this.endonym
Localizor.prototype.english = function () {
  return "I speak " + this.language

module.exports = Localizor


以我的拙见,您应该为 EnglishFrenchThai 提供三个独立的构造函数,它们继承自一个公共(public)构造函数(我们称之为区域设置)。它看起来如下:

function Locale(constructor, language, endonym, native) {
    this.constructor = constructor;
    this.language = language;
    this.endonym = endonym;

    this.native = function () {
        return native + this.endonym;

Locale.prototype.english = function () {
    return "I speak " + this.language;

function English() {}
function French() {}
function Thai() {}

English.prototype = new Locale(English, "English", "English", "I speak ");
French.prototype = new Locale(French, "French", "français", "Je parle ");
Thai.prototype = new Locale(Thai, "Thai", "ไทย", "พูดภาษา");

这导致 separation of concerns :每个构造函数仅精确执行其预期目的。不多不少。现在您可以创建一个 localizer 函数,如下所示:

function localizer(language) {
    switch (language) {
    case "French": return new French;
    case "Thai": return new Thai;
    default: return new English;


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