javascript - 在协程中包装 ES6 类方法

标签 javascript node.js ecmascript-6


import co from 'co';

class AClass {
    co(*consutrctor() {
       console.log('is something like this possible?');

    co(*get() {
        console.log('what about this?');

    onlyWay() {
        return co(function* () {
            console.log('this is how I do it now');

在 python 中,使用装饰器很容易实现:

from asyncio import coroutine

class AClass(object):
    def get(self):
        print('some async task')


您不能像 @FelixKling 所说的那样使用生成器函数,但执行您尝试的操作的正确方法(在我看来)是这样的:

import co from 'co';

class AClass {
    constructor() {
        const a = this;
        co(function* () {
           // "a" contains a reference to the class.

    *get() {
        // this is a yieldable generator function and you can use "co" here too.

    onlyWay() {
        // still better to use this in my opinion:
        const a = this;
        co(function* () {
            yield a.get();

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