JavaScript 绑定(bind)与匿名函数

标签 javascript node.js anonymous-function

This code来自 mongoose-deep-populate

  User.create.bind(User, {_id: 1, manager: 2, mainPage: 1}),
  Comment.create.bind(Comment, {_id: 3, user: 1}),
], cb)


    function() { User.create({_id: 1, manager: 2, mainPage: 1}) }, 
    function() { Comment.create({_id: 3, user: 1}) },
], cb) 

如果是这样,与使用匿名函数相比,在什么情况下 bind 是更优选的语法?



function mul(num, times) {
    return num * times;

function fn1() {
    let num = 3;

    let cb = function(times) {
        return mul(num, times);

    num = 5;
    console.log(`num is now: ${ num }`);

    return cb;

function fn2() {
    let num = 3;

    let cb = mul.bind(null, num);

    num = 5;
    console.log(`num is now: ${ num }`);

    return cb;


let a1 = fn1()(5); // a1 === 25
let a2 = fn2()(5); // s2 === 15


在某些情况下,执行函数时您甚至可能会遇到 undefined:

var a = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"];
function fn(value, index) {
    console.log(value, index);

// doesn't work as i is undefined when the function is invoked
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        fn(a[i], i);
    }, 45);

// works because the value of i and the value of a[i] are bound
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    setTimeout(fn.bind(null, a[i], i), 45);

(如果您使用 let 而不是 var,则使用匿名函数的示例将起作用)


let counter = {
    _current: 0,
    get: function() {
        return this._current++;

let map = {
    _items: Object.create(null),
    set: function(key, value, index) {
        this._items[key] = {
            index: index,
            value: value

// using anonymous functions the index in most cases won't reflect the real order
setTimeout(function() {
    map.set("one", 1, counter.get());
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);
setTimeout(function() {
    map.set("two", 2, counter.get());
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);
setTimeout(function() {
    map.set("three", 3, counter.get());
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);

// using bind, the index will always be correct
setTimeout(map.set.bind(map, "one", 1, counter.get()), Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);
setTimeout(map.set.bind(map, "two", 2, counter.get()), Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);
setTimeout(map.set.bind(map, "three", 3, counter.get()), Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) + 100);

其工作方式不同的原因是,在绑定(bind)时,counter.get() 会在调用 bind 函数之前进行评估,以便绑定(bind)正确的返回值。
使用匿名函数时,仅在执行该函数时才会计算 counter.get(),并且调用哪个匿名函数的顺序是未知的。

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