javascript - 检查文件是否同步存在是什么意思?

标签 javascript node.js fs

我试图理解 Node.js 中的 fs.statSync 命令。我读过这个问题Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js它将检查文件是否同步存在。我不明白这是什么意思,检查它是否同步存在和检查它是否异步存在有什么区别。




fs.readFileSync(file); // Stops and waits for completion.
console.log("This will always print after fs.readFileSync.");

fs.readFile(file, function callback(err, data) { // Doesn't stop but will run the callback when it HAS read the file.
  if (err) throw err; // File doesn't exist.
console.log("This will print before fs.readFile finishes, probably, it might not, but it might, you never quite know.");

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