javascript - node.js 中的模块 passport-oauth2 : extra parameters to be included in the authorization request

标签 javascript node.js oauth-2.0

我在 node.js 应用程序中实现 Oauth2 身份验证时遇到问题,我需要在授权请求中添加一个额外的参数,但该模块只是忽略了“未知”参数。

我的代码附在下面。被忽略的参数是 APIName

var OAuth2Strategy = require('passport-oauth2').Strategy;

// load the auth variables
var configAuth = require('./auth');

module.exports = function(passport) {

    passport.use('ihealth', new OAuth2Strategy({
            authorizationURL: '',
            tokenURL: '',
            clientID: configAuth.iHealthAuth.clientID,
            clientSecret: configAuth.iHealthAuth.clientSecret,
            callbackURL: configAuth.iHealthAuth.callbackURL,
            APIName : 'OpenApiActivity'
        function(token, refreshToken, profile, done) {

            // ...


我知道 APIName 被忽略的原因是我在浏览器中看到了 URL:

我想知道如何启用向授权请求添加额外参数?也许通过覆盖 node_modules/passport_oauth2/lib/strategy.js 中的函数 OAuth2Strategy.prototype.authorizationParams,在下载的文件中看起来像这样:

 * Return extra parameters to be included in the authorization request.
 * Some OAuth 2.0 providers allow additional, non-standard parameters to be
 * included when requesting authorization.  Since these parameters are not
 * standardized by the OAuth 2.0 specification, OAuth 2.0-based authentication
 * strategies can overrride this function in order to populate these parameters
 * as required by the provider.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @return {Object}
 * @api protected
OAuth2Strategy.prototype.authorizationParams = function(options) {
  return {};



 var myStrategy = new OAuth2Strategy({
        authorizationURL: '',
        tokenURL: '',
        clientID: configAuth.iHealthAuth.clientID,
        clientSecret: configAuth.iHealthAuth.clientSecret,
        callbackURL: configAuth.iHealthAuth.callbackURL
    function(token, refreshToken, profile, done) {
        // ...

    myStrategy.authorizationParams = function(options) {
      return {
        APIName : 'OpenApiActivity'


对于 Microsoft ADFS OAuth 2,这可用于添加所需的 source 参数;如果希望回调也包含一些特定值,则添加 state 参数。


router.get('/auth', passport.authenticate('ihealth', {time:}));

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