node.js - 配置 AWS 凭证以同时使用 CLI 和 SDK

标签 node.js amazon-web-services

在尝试将一些部署任务自动化到 S3 时,我注意到我通过 aws configure 提供的凭据没有被 Node.js SDK 获取。如何让 shell 和 gulp 任务引用同一个文件?


经过大量搜索,这是this article 的摘录。这引起了灵光一现的时刻。

If you've been using the AWS CLI, you might already have a credentials file, which is in the same location as the new credentials file, but is named config. If so, the CLI will continue to use that file. However, if you create a new credentials file, the CLI will use that one instead. (Be aware that the aws configure command that you can use to set credentials from the command line will put the credentials in the config file, not the credentials file.)

现在,通过将 ~/.aws/config 移动到 ~/.aws/credentials,CLI 和 SDK 从同一位置读取。遗憾的是,除了手动编辑之外,我还没有找到任何用于维护 ~/.aws/credentials 的界面。

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