javascript - 分页计算算法

标签 javascript node.js algorithm


var pagination = {
 total: result.length,
 per_page: itemsPerPage,    // required
 current_page: currentPage, // required
 last_page: users.length / itemsPerPage,    // required
 from: (itemsPerPage * pageNumber) + 1,
 to: itemsPerPage * (pageNumber + 1)           //required

假设结果长度为 2,itemsPerPage 为 5,currentPage 为 1,我得到了这个:

total: 2
per_page: 5
current_page: 1
last_page: 0.4
from: 6
to: 10



要取最大值,您可以使用 last_page 上的 Math.ceil

每页的项目可以是静态的,手动定义的。然后,from 可以是 ((currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage) + 1

  • 如果当前页为 1,则 ( (1 -1) * 5) + 1 = 1。
  • 第二页:( (2 -1) * 5) + 1 = 6,依此类推。

那么它可以是currentPage * itemsPerPage。例如,如果当前页为 1,则 1 * 5 = 5,如果是第二页,则为:2 * 5 = 10。请看下面的示例:

var pagination = {
 total: result.length,
 per_page: itemsPerPage,    
 current_page: currentPage, 
 last_page: Math.ceil(result.length / itemsPerPage),
 from: ((currentPage -1) * itemsPerPage) + 1,
 to: currentPage  * itemsPerPage
Total = 15;
per_page = 5;
currentPage = 1;
last_page = truncate (15 / 5) = 3;
from: ((1-1) * 5) + 1 = 1 //first page
      ((2-1) * 5) + 1 = 6 //second page
to: 1 * 5 = 5 //first page
    2 * 5 = 10 // second page
From 1 to 5 // first page
From 6 to 10 // second page
From 11 to 15 // last page

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