node.js - 如何离线安装 Material Design Lite Documentation?

标签 node.js docker material-design-lite

我在本地安装 Material Design Lite 文档时遇到了一些问题。我在 this file 中执行命令:

git clone
cd material-design-lite
npm install && npm install -g gulp
gulp all && gulp serve

运行gulp all时出现错误:

root@c54a089ac69c:/home/material-design-lite# gulp all
[21:18:38] Requiring external module babel-register
[21:18:42] Using gulpfile /home/material-design-lite/gulpfile.babel.js
[21:18:42] Starting 'clean'...
[21:18:42] Finished 'clean' after 106 ms
[21:18:42] Starting 'all'...
[21:18:42] Starting 'lint:aux'...
  136:1  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments
  807:3  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

✖ 2 problems (0 errors, 2 warnings)

[21:18:45] Finished 'lint:aux' after 2.39 s
[21:18:45] Starting 'styletemplates'...
[21:18:49] styles all files 1.07 MB
[21:18:49] Finished 'styletemplates' after 4.04 s
[21:18:49] Starting 'styles-grid'...
[21:18:49] Starting 'styles'...
[21:18:49] styles-grid all files 17.77 kB
[21:18:49] Finished 'styles-grid' after 187 ms
[21:18:50] styles all files 714.08 kB
[21:18:50] Finished 'styles' after 1.39 s
[21:18:50] Starting 'styles:gen'...
[21:18:52] Finished 'styles:gen' after 2.36 s
[21:18:52] Starting 'lint:sources'...
  232:49  error  Properties shouldn't be quoted as all quotes are redundant  quote-props
  366:51  error  Properties shouldn't be quoted as all quotes are redundant  quote-props

  123:5  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

  119:5  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

  133:5  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

  122:5  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

  88:7  warning  Do not use 'new' for side effects  no-new

  273:11  warning  Unexpected 'todo' comment  no-warning-comments

  520:11  warning  Do not use 'new' for side effects        no-new
  570:3   error    Block must not be padded by blank lines  padded-blocks

✖ 10 problems (3 errors, 7 warnings)

[21:18:56] 'lint:sources' errored after 3.59 s
[21:18:56] ESLintError in plugin 'gulp-eslint'
    Failed with 3 errors
[21:18:56] 'all' errored after 14 s
[21:18:56] Error in plugin 'run-sequence'
    An error occured in task 'lint:sources'.

但是,当我使用 gulp serve 为它提供服务时,它会运行但只显示:


只是显示文件!如何为 material-design-lite 生成离线文档?有任何想法吗?谢谢。



我用 NodeJS Container. 在 Docker 上运行它

Material Design Lite 网站:


我从未尝试克隆存储库,但通过这种方式我可以获得离线文档。仅使用 wget 工具。 wget -mkEpnp 瞧,您的桌面上有网站的副本。

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