node.js - node.js 上的 Google Storage API 自定义 header

标签 node.js google-cloud-storage

我正在使用 googleapis.auth.JWT 进行身份验证并请求分段上传以将 JSON 文件上传到谷歌存储,它按预期工作。


  var data = JSON.stringify(json);
  var metadata = {
      name: "name"
      contentLanguage: "en",
      acl: [...]

  authClient.authorize(function(err, tokens) {
      if (err) {...}{
        'url': 'https://....',
        'qs': {
          'uploadType': 'multipart'
        'headers' : { 
          'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokens.access_token
        'multipart':  [{  
          'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
          'body': JSON.stringify(metadata)
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'body': data
      }, done);      

根据谷歌here如果我想包含自定义 header ,我需要以“x-goog-meta-mycustomheader”的形式添加它


 var metadata = {
      name: "name"
      contentLanguage: "en",
      "x-goog-meta-something": "completely different",
      acl: [...]


将对象上传到 Google Storage 时如何添加自定义 header ?


请注意,这是一个分段上传,使用第一部分正文作为第二部分(实际部分)的元数据查看详细信息 here


If you have metadata that you want to send along with the data to upload, you can make a single multipart/related request. As with simple, media-only requests, this is a good choice if the data you are sending is small enough to upload again in its entirety if the connection fails.

Metadata part: Must come first, and Content-Type must match one of the accepted metadata formats.

Media part: Must come second, and Content-Type must match one the method's accepted media MIME types.



在这里查看 JSON 请求生成器:

您会注意到 metadata 是正文中的一个单独键。所以你会想要这样的东西:

var metadata = {
      name: "name"
      contentLanguage: "en",
      metadata: {
        "something": "completely different",
      acl: [...]

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