javascript - 如何创建以不同于辅音的方式对元音进行评分的字母评分函数

标签 javascript node.js



//The attempt where apparently the second loop is the problem: 
vowelBonus= (word)=>{
  let score = 0;
  const vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u"];
  word = word.toLowerCase();
  for (letter in word){
      if (letter === value){
        score += 3
      }else if(letter !== value){
        score += 1
    return score

// An attempt using a regular expression which I kind of prefer after reading up on them

vowelBonus = (word)=>{
  let vowel = word.match(/[aeiou]/gi);
  let vCount = 0
  let consCount = 0
  let score = vCount + consCount
    vCount += 3
  }else if (!vowel.length){
    consCount =+ 1
  return score

//I have about 3-5 other versions I've toyed around with but I'd like to stay in the ballpark of something like the two snippets I've pasted above. 

//One version keeps giving an output of 0. Another gives increments of 5, and I've had a few give a result of 1-5. I'm expecting the result to be 1pt for every consonant and 3pts for every vowel. Meaning if I type in the word "code", the result should be 8pts.



编辑 2: 添加了使用 regex 的示例,该示例忽略提供的空格..

像这样的东西应该可以工作。我发现使用 Array.includes 方法最简单。


function scoreWord(word) {
  // Ignores spaces
  return word.replace(/\s/g,'').toLowerCase().split("").reduce((a, i) => 
    a += ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"].includes(i) ? 3 : 1, 0);

function scoreWordSimplified(word) {
  // Ignores spaces; Simplified example
  let wordArray = word.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase().split("");
  let vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"];
  let pointsForVowel = 3;
  let pointsForConsonant = 1;
  let finalScore = 0;

  wordArray.forEach(letter => {
    if (vowels.includes(letter)) {
      finalScore += pointsForVowel;
    } else {
      finalScore += pointsForConsonant;
    /** Or you could do:
     * finalScore += vowels.includes(letter) ? pointsForVowel : pointsForConsonant;

  return finalScore;

let vowelBonus = (word)=>{
  // credit: @Code Maniac
  // Ignores spaces
  let _word = word.replace(/\s/g,'');
  let vowel = _word.match(/[aeiou]/gi);
  let wordLength = _word.length;
  let vowelLength = vowel && vowel.length;
  return vowel ? (wordLength - vowelLength) + vowelLength *3 : wordLength

let score1 = scoreWord("some word");
let score2 = vowelBonus("some word");
let score3 = scoreWordSimplified("some word");

console.log("scoreWord: ", score1);
console.log("vowelBonus: ", score2);
console.log("scoreWordSimplified: ", score3);

关于javascript - 如何创建以不同于辅音的方式对元音进行评分的字母评分函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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