Node.js HTTPS 代理服务器不工作

标签 node.js http https proxy

我想为 HTTPS 与 Node.js 的连接创建一个代理。我正在使用 http-proxy图书馆,效果很好。我可以让 HTTP 代理完美地工作,但是当我尝试 HTTPS 时,对代理的请求只是超时。这是我的代码(node-http-proxy proxy-https-to-https 示例的略微修改版本):

var http = require("http"),
    https = require("https"),
    httpProxy = require("http-proxy"),
    fs = require('fs');

var httpsConfig = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('./jackos2500-key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('./jackos2500-cert.crt'),

https.createServer(httpsConfig, function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
  res.write('hello https\n');

httpProxy.createServer(8000, 'localhost', {
  https: httpsConfig,
  target: {
    https: true,
    rejectUnauthorized: false



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