javascript - sequelize 上的 belongsToMany 是否会自动创建新的连接表?

标签 javascript node.js associations sequelize.js

我是这个 Sequelize 的新手。我尝试使用 belongsToMany 通过 UserPermissions 在用户和权限之间关联模型,这是我的代码。

-- 用户.js

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const config = require('../config/general');

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
    const User = sequelize.define('User', {
        email: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            unique: true,
            validate: {
                isLowercase: true,
                notEmpty: true,
                isEmail: true
        username: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            unique: true,
            validate: {
                isLowercase: true,
                notEmpty: true,
                min: 3
        salt: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: true
        password: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                notEmpty: true
    }, {
        underscored: true,
        classMethods: {
            associate: (models) => {
                User.belongsToMany(models.Permission, {
                    through: 'UserPermissions', 
                    foreignKey: 'user_id'
            validPassword: (password, passwd, done) => {
                const tmppass = password + config.secret;
      , passwd, (err, isMatch) => {
                    if (err) return done(err);
                    return done(null, isMatch);

    User.beforeCreate( (user, option, done) => {
        bcrypt.genSalt(SALT_WORK_FACTOR, (err, salt) => {
            if (err) return done(err);
            const tmppass = user.password + config.secret;
            bcrypt.hash(tmppass, salt, (err, hash) => {
                if (err) return done(err);
                user.salt       = salt;
                user.password   = hash;
                return done(null, user);

    return User;

-- permissions.js

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
    const Permission = sequelize.define('Permission', {
        name: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                notEmpty: true
        slug: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            validate: {
                isLowercase: true
        description: {
            type: DataTypes.TEXT
    }, {
        underscored: true,
        classMethods: {
            associate: (models) => {
                Permission.belongsToMany(models.User, { 
                    through: 'UserPermissions', 
                    foreignKey: 'permission_id'

    return Permission;

根据 here 中关于 belongsToMany 的 Sequelize 文档, belongsToMany 将创建一个新模型,链接到您加入的任何模型,对吧。

This will create a new model called UserProject with the equivalent foreign keys projectId and userId. Whether the attributes are camelcase or not depends on the two models joined by the table (in this case User and Project). Sequelize Belongs-To-Many

但是当我尝试这样做并使用 sequelize-cli 迁移它时,我没有看到任何已创建的连接表。 Users 表已创建,Permissions 表已创建,但 UserPermissions 表未创建。我在这里错过了什么吗?还是我的代码有问题?

我正在使用 postgres 方言,"pg": "^6.4.0""sequelize": "^4.3.1"






User.belongsToMany(models.Permission, {
                    through: 'UserPermissions', 
                    foreignKey: 'user_id'


Permission.belongsToMany(models.User, { 
                    through: 'UserPermissions', 
                    foreignKey: 'permission_id'


module.exports = {
  up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    return queryInterface.createTable('UserPermissions', {
      id: {
        allowNull: false,
        autoIncrement: true,
        primaryKey: true,
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER
      permission_id: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        references: {
          model: 'Permissions',
          key: 'id',
          as: 'permission_id'
      user_id: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        references: {
          model: 'Users',
          key: 'id',
          as: 'user_id'
      createdAd: {
        allowNull: false,
        type: Sequelize.DATE
      updatedAt: {
        allowNull: false,
        type: Sequelize.DATE
  down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    return queryInterface.dropTable('UserPermissions')

使用 Sequelize CLI 将为您生成大部分代码。请注意,references 下的 model 对象属性是 postgres 中的表名(好吧,这对我有用)。


另请注意,through 属性应该是一个模型,因此:

through: models.UserPermission


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