node.js - 如何获取 RequestLogger 的 json 响应

标签 node.js testing automated-tests e2e-testing testcafe


A 在主测试 Controller 之外进行此测试,使用 page modelthis食谱。

  Used to get the periodic analytic id.
  Whenever we are viewing an asset, the server must respond with an id.
  This id is later used by the client, to send periodic analytics.

  @param {object} t          Testcafe's test controller
  @param {object} logger     A testcafe's RequestLogger.
  @returns {string}          Returns the periodic analytic id.
async getPeriodicAnalyticId(t, logger) {
  const logPrefix = 'Get periodic analytic id > ';
  let responseBody;

  await t
    .expect(logger.requests.length).gt(0, logPrefix + 'No requests logged.');

  responseBody = logger.requests[0].response.body;

  await t
    .expect(responseBody).notTypeOf('undefined', logPrefix + 'Logged request does not have a response a body.')
    .expect(Buffer.isBuffer(responseBody)).eql(true, logPrefix + 'Invalid response body (not buffer)');

  // Periodic analytic id can be found on the server response of the 1st analytic sent.
  return JSON.parse(logger.requests[0].response.body.toString()).id;


针对本地 Http 服务器运行此测试时,工作正常。但是当测试针对 https 远程服务器时它会失败。我收到此错误:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token  in JSON at position 0


return JSON.parse(logger.requests[0].response.body.toString()).id;


来自有效的本地 Http 服务器的响应正文: localBuffer 它翻译成: localBufferToString

来自失败的远程 https 服务器的响应正文: remoteBuffer 它翻译成: remoteBufferToString


我想知道我用来将响应体转换为 json 的方法是否可以。目前我使用:



operating system: Windows 10
testcafe version: 0.21.1
node.js version: 9.3.0


我有同样的问题,因为在我的例子中服务器响应是一个gzipped 响应,并且testcafe logger API 不会自动解压响应。


使用 logResponseBody 参数配置记录器(也如评论中所述,不要将“stringifyResponseBody”参数设置为 true)

const logger = RequestLogger(
  { logResponseBody: true },


import zlib from 'zlib';

export const getBody = async body => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  zlib.gunzip(body, async (error, buff) => {
    if (error !== null) {
      return reject(error);
    return resolve(JSON.parse(buff.toString()));


await t.expect(logger.contains(
  async (record) => {
    const body = await (getBody(record.response.body));
    return body.someProps === 'someValue';

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