android - 是否可以在android数据库中的文本字段上应用主键

标签 android sqlite

我创建了一个简单的表,其中包含人员的姓名和电子邮件 ID。当我给出这样的创建查询时:


但这不起作用。运行时我没有收到任何异常或错误,主键也没有工作。在使用 SQLite 浏览器浏览表格时,我发现只有四种数据类型:

enter image description here


public class DBAdapter {

public static final String KEY_ROWID = "_id";
public static final String KEY_NAME = "name";
public static final String KEY_EMAIL = "email";
private static final String TAG = "DBAdapter";

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "MyDB";
private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "contacts";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;

private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =
    "create table contacts (_id integer primary key autoincrement, "
    + "name text not null, email text not null);";

private final Context context;    

private DatabaseHelper DBHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase db;

public DBAdapter(Context ctx) 
    this.context = ctx;
    DBHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context);

private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper 
    DatabaseHelper(Context context) 
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) 
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) 
        Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to "
                + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS contacts");

//---opens the database---
public DBAdapter open() throws SQLException 
    db = DBHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    return this;

//---closes the database---    
public void close() 

//---insert a contact into the database---
public long insertContact(String name, String email) 
    ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
    initialValues.put(KEY_NAME, name);
    initialValues.put(KEY_EMAIL, email);
    return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues);

//---deletes a particular contact---
public boolean deleteContact(long rowId) 
    return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;

//---retrieves all the contacts---
public Cursor getAllContacts() 
    return db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_NAME,
            KEY_EMAIL}, null, null, null, null, null);

//---retrieves a particular contact---
public Cursor getContact(long rowId) throws SQLException 
    Cursor mCursor =
            db.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID,
            KEY_NAME, KEY_EMAIL}, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null,
            null, null, null, null);
    if (mCursor != null) {
    return mCursor;

//---updates a contact---
public boolean updateContact(long rowId, String name, String email) 
    ContentValues args = new ContentValues();
    args.put(KEY_NAME, name);
    args.put(KEY_EMAIL, email);
    return db.update(DATABASE_TABLE, args, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;


根据 faq 的 sqlite 文档,使用 TEXT 作为主键的 datatype 应该可以工作。


CREATE TABLE contacts ( email text primary key not null, name text not null);

INSERT INTO contacts VALUES ('', 'sample')
INSERT INTO contacts VALUES ('', 'sample')

enter image description here

enter image description here



INSERT INTO contacts VALUES ('', 'sample')

什么也没发生,没有错误。 但它没有更新记录。所以我得出结论数据完整性存在,但您没有收到有关失败的任何反馈

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