javascript - console.log ('\x' ) 的输出背后的逻辑是什么,其中 x 是任意数字?

标签 javascript node.js


console.log('\272') // -> º

console.log('\364') // -> ô

据我所知,\ 是 javascript 中的转义字符,这意味着它会尝试转义后面的字符,但在第一个示例中,它不等于 ASCII 码 72,即字符 H.



Any character with a character code lower than 256 (i.e. any character in the extended ASCII range) can be escaped using its octal-encoded character code, prefixed with . (Note that this is the same range of characters that can be escaped through hexadecimal escapes.)

To use the same example, the copyright symbol ('©') has character code 169, which gives 251 in octal notation, so you could write it as '\251'.


关于javascript - console.log ('\x' ) 的输出背后的逻辑是什么,其中 x 是任意数字?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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