node.js - sh : 1: bower: not found error while deploying to herokuapp

标签 node.js bower package.json


当前的 package.json 文件:

      "name": "ff-album",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "",
      "main": "index.js",
      "engines": {
        "node": "0.12.7",
        "npm": "2.11.3"
      "scripts": {
        "postinstall": "node ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install"
      "author": "",
      "license": "CC",
      "dependencies": {
        "express": "4.13.1",
        "http-server": "^0.8.4",
        "bower": "^1.5.2"
      "devDependencies": {
        "bower": "^1.5.2"

当前的 bower.json:

      "name": "ff-album",
      "version": "0.0.0",
      "author": [
        "Francesco Fibonacci"
      "license": "CC",
      "ignore": [
      "resolutions": {
        "bootstrap": "~3.3.1",
        "angular": ">= 1.0.8",
        "angular-bootstrap": "~0.12.0"
      "dependencies": {
        "angular": "~1.4.6",
        "angular-bootstrap": "~0.13.4",
        "angular-ui-router": "~0.2.15",
        "bootstrap": "~3.3.5",
        "jasny-bootstrap": "~3.1.3",
        "lodash": "~3.10.1",
        "moment": "~2.10.6",
        "swagger-client-generator": "~0.2.13",
        "swagger-js": "~2.1.5"

在部署到 herokuapp 时,错误消息 sh: 1: bower: not found 不断出现(我已经尝试了大约 10 次)。根据,我已尝试将 postinstall 更改为 bower cache clean && bower install但无济于事。我也试过 npm uninstall -g bower 并重新安装了 bower,但仍然没有成功。


您需要将 bower 添加为依赖项,不仅在 devDependencies 中,而且在:

"dependencies": {
  "bower": "^1.5.2"

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