node.js - 使用 nodejs 异步和请求模块

标签 node.js asynchronous httprequest async.js


var fetch = function(file, cb) {
    return request(file, cb);
};['file1', 'file2', 'file3'], fetch, function(err, resp, body) {
    // is this function passed as an argument to _fetch_ 
    // or is it excecuted as a callback at the end of all the request?
    // if so how do i pass a callback to the _fetch_ function
    if(!err) console.log(body);

我正在尝试按顺序获取 3 个文件并连接结果。我的头脑陷入了我尝试过的回调和我能想到的不同组合中。 Google 帮不上什么忙。


Request 是异步函数,它不返回任何东西,当它的工作完成时,它会回调。来自 request examples ,你应该这样做:

var fetch = function(file,cb){
     request.get(file, function(err,response,body){
           if ( err){
           } else {
                 cb(null, body); // First param indicates error, null=> no error
}["file1", "file2", "file3"], fetch, function(err, results){
    if ( err){
       // either file1, file2 or file3 has raised an error, so you should not use results and handle the error
    } else {
       // results[0] -> "file1" body
       // results[1] -> "file2" body
       // results[2] -> "file3" body

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