php - 在 PHP 中压缩文件夹的内容

标签 php file compression zip

在将此帖子标记为重复之前,请注意我已经在 SO 上搜索了答案,到目前为止我找到的答案(如下所列)并不是我一直在寻找的答案。


我的问题是:我不能使用 addFromString,我必须使用 addFile,这是任务的要求。


public function getZippedFiles($path)
    $real_path = WEBROOT_PATH.$path;

    $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator (new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($real_path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);

    //# create a temp file & open it
    $tmp_file = tempnam($real_path,'');
    $zip_file = preg_replace('"\.tmp$"', '.zip', $tmp_file);

    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $zip->open($zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE);

    foreach ($files as $name=>$file)
        error_log(print_r($name, true));
        error_log(print_r($file, true));
        if ( ($file == ".") || ($file == "..") )

        $file_path = $file->getRealPath();


当我尝试打开生成的文件时,我被告知“Windows 无法打开该文件夹。压缩(zipped)文件夹''无效。”

我已经成功地使用 addFromString 完成了任务,如下所示:

$file_path = WEBROOT_PATH.$path;
    $files = array();
    if (is_dir($file_path) == true)
        if ($handle = opendir($file_path))
            while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
                if (is_dir($file_path.$file) == false)
                    $files[] = $file_path."\\".$file;

            //# create new zip opbject
            $zip = new ZipArchive();

            //# create a temp file & open it
            $tmp_file = tempnam($file_path,'');
            $zip_file = preg_replace('"\.tmp$"', '.zip', $tmp_file);

            $zip->open($zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE);

            //# loop through each file
            foreach($files as $file){

                //# download file
                $download_file = file_get_contents($file);

                //#add it to the zip


            //# close zip


***** 更新 ***** 我像这样在结尾处添加了一个 if:

if (!$zip->close()) {
    echo "failed writing zip to archive";

消息得到回显,很明显问题就在那里。我还检查以确保 $zip->open() 正常工作,并且我确认它可以正常打开它。


终于设法使用 addFile 实现了一些功能。

我创建了一个包含 3 个函数的辅助类:一个用于列出目录中的所有文件,一个用于压缩所有这些文件,还有一个用于下载压缩文件:


class FileHelper extends ZipArchive
     * Lists files in dir
     * This function expects an absolute path to a folder intended as the target.
     * The function will attempt to create an array containing the full paths to 
     * all files in the target directory, except for . and ..
     * @param dir [string]    : absolute path to the target directory
     * @return result [array] : array of absolute paths pointing to files in the target directory
    public static function listDirectory($dir)
        $result = array();
        $root = scandir($dir);
        foreach($root as $value) {
            if($value === '.' || $value === '..') {
            if(is_file("$dir$value")) {
                $result[] = "$dir$value";
            if(is_dir("$dir$value")) {
                $result[] = "$dir$value/";
            foreach(self::listDirectory("$dir$value/") as $value)
                $result[] = $value;
        return $result;

     * Zips and downloads files
     * This function expects a directory location as target for a temp file, and a list(array)
     * of absolute file names that will be compressed and added to a zip file. After compression,
     * the temporary zipped file will be downloaded and deleted.
     * @param location [string] : absolute path to the directory that will contain the temp file
     * @param file_list [array] : array of absolute paths pointing to files that need to be compressed
     * @return void
    public function downloadZip($file)
        $modules = apache_get_modules();
        if (in_array('mod_xsendfile', $modules)) // Note, it is not possible to detect if X-SendFile is turned on or not, we can only check if the module is installed. If X-SendFile is installed but turned off, file downloads will not work
            header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
            header("X-Sendfile: ".realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).$file);

            // Apache will take care of the rest, so terminate the script

        header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
        header("Content-Length: " .(string)(filesize($file)) );
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
        header("Cache-Control: private");
        header("Pragma: public");

        ob_end_clean(); // Without this, the file will be read into the output buffer which destroys memory on large files

     * Zips files
     * This function expects a directory location as target for a temp file, and a list(array)
     * of absolute file names that will be compressed and added to a zip file. 
     * @param location [string]  : absolute path to the directory that will contain the temp file
     * @param file_list [array]  : array of absolute paths pointing to files that need to be compressed
     * @return zip_file [string] : absolute file path of the freshly zipped file
    public function zipFile($location, $file_list)
        $tmp_file = tempnam($location,'');
        $zip_file = preg_replace('"\.tmp$"', '.zip', $tmp_file);

        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($zip->open($zip_file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true)
            foreach ($file_list as $file)
                if ($file !== $zip_file)
                    $zip->addFile($file, substr($file, strlen($location)));

        // delete the temporary files

        return $zip_file;


$location = "d:/some/path/to/file/";
$file_list = $file_helper::listDirectory($location);
$zip_file = $file_helper->zipFile($location, $file_list);

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