php - 如何将表单数据添加到 JSON 文件?

标签 php json url


<form name='steampaypalinfo' action='profile.php' method='post'>
PayPal Email: <br><input type='email' name='paypal'><br>
Steam Trade URL: <br><input type='text' name='tradeurl'><br><br>
<input type='submit' value='Update' name='submit'>

我正在像这样在 PHP 中检索数据:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (empty($_POST['paypal'])) {
    $paypalerror = "PayPal email is required!";
} else {
    $paypalemail = $_POST['paypal'];

if (empty($_POST['tradeurl'])) {
$tradeurlerror = "Steam Trade URL is required!";
} else {
    $tradeurl = $_POST['tradeurl'];

如您所见,我将表单数据(电子邮件和链接)存储到两个名为 paypalemail 和 tradeurl 的变量中。

现在我想将此数据添加到我已经创建的 JSON 文件中。 JSON 文件现在看起来像这样:

"response": {
    "players": [
            "steamid": "76561198064105349",
            "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
            "profilestate": 1,
            "personaname": "PUGLORD",
            "lastlogoff": 1445136051,
            "commentpermission": 2,
            "profileurl": "",
            "avatar": "",
            "avatarmedium": "",
            "avatarfull": "",
            "personastate": 0,
            "realname": "Jakob",
            "primaryclanid": "103582791439857810",
            "timecreated": 1337817157,
            "personastateflags": 0,
            "loccountrycode": "US",
            "locstatecode": "NY"


我希望数据 paypalemail 和 tradeurl 数据进入玩家数组。我阅读了有关使用 file_put_contents 或 fwrite 的信息,但似乎都不起作用。

问题:如何将 PayPal 和 Steam URL 数据添加到已创建的 JSON 文件中?如何将该数据添加到 JSON 文件中的已创建数据并正确设置格式?


编辑 我试过这个:

$file = file_get_contents("cache/players/{$steam64}.json");
$json = json_decode($file, true);
$player_array['paypalemail'] = $paypalemail;

$json = json_encode($player_array);
$file = fopen("cache/players/{$steam64}.json", 'w');
fwrite($file, $json);

它可以工作,但它会覆盖 JSON 文件中的数据。如何添加而不覆盖它?



$file = file_get_contents('players.json');
$json = json_decode($file, true); //second parameter, return as associative array
$player_array = &$json['response']['players'][0];
//lets setup new keys
$player_array['paypalemail'] = "";
//whatever you want to add
$new_json = json_encode($json,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); //pretty and without slashes
$file = fopen('players.json', 'w'); //w set pointer to beginning and truncate to 0 :D
fwrite($file, $new_json);

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