php - Laravel 如何运行作为数组值并传递给 View 的 Eloquent 查询?

标签 php laravel laravel-5 eloquent

因为一个案例,我需要将多个表的 Eloquent 查询存储到一个数组中,并将它们传递给 View ,然后在 View 中我应该处理它们。那么我该怎么做,我已经尝试使用 call_user_func()call_user_func_array() 机器人没有解决问题并且无法运行。下面是我的 Eloquent 数组。

$my_eloquent_array = array('course' => 'App\Models\Course::all();',
            'user' => 'App\Models\User::whereHas(
                    \'roles\', function($q){
                )->get(array(\'id\',DB::raw(\'CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS full_name\')))'

那么现在在一个循环内查看我如何运行那些 Eloquent 数组值?

$resourceDropdowns = array(
    'curriculum_id'             => array('query' => 'App\Models\ProfessionalDevelopment\Curriculum::all(\'id\',\'name\')', 'label' => 'Curriculum'),
    'classroom_id'              => array('query' => 'Classroom::all(\'id\',\'no\')', 'label' => 'Classroom'),
    'training_coordinator_id'   => array('query' => 'User::whereHas(
                    \'roles\', function($q){
                )->get(array(\'id\',DB::raw(\'CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS full_name\')))', 'label' => 'Training Coordinator'),
    'focal_point_id'            => array('query' => 'User::whereHas(
                    \'roles\', function($q){
                )->get(array(\'id\',DB::raw(\'CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS full_name\')))', 'label' => 'Focal Point'),
    'master_trainer_id'         => array('query' => 'User::whereHas(
                    \'roles\', function($q){
                )->get(array(\'id\',DB::raw(\'CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS full_name\')))', 'label' => 'Master Trainer'),
    'stage_id'                  => array('query' => 'Stage::all(\'id\',\'no\')', 'label' => 'Stage'),
    'stream_id'                 => array('query' => 'Stream::all(\'id\',\'no\')', 'label' => 'Stream'),
    'unit_id'                   => array('query' => 'Unit::all(\'id\',\'no\')', 'label' => 'Unit'),
        if(count($resourceDropdowns) > 0){
            $dropDownFilters = array();
            foreach($resourceDropdowns as $drop_key => $drop_val){
                $dropDownFilters[$drop_key]['query'] = $drop_val['query'];
                $dropDownFilters[$drop_key]['label'] = $drop_val['label'];


但是 $drop_val['query'] 没有运行,它只是最终数组中的一个字符串。



// We store the queries with its associated parameters
$queries = [ ["query" => App\Models\Course::all, "params" => null ]];

// We loop over the functions to be executed
foreach($queries as $query){

    // Now, we execute the function



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