php - 过滤yii2产生错误Call to a member function isAttributeRequired() on null

标签 php filter yii2

我正在尝试在 yii2 上进行过滤。其中有一个表单域 3 input (type = "radio"),每个条目应该搜索价格在此范围内的产品。这是执行搜索的 Controller 代码:

 public function actionFilter()
            $filter = trim(Yii::$app->request->get('filter'));
            $this->setMeta('MAC-SHOPPER | ' . $filter);
            if (!$filter) {
                return $this->render('filter');
            if ($filter <= 15) {

            $query = Product::find()->where(['<=', 'price', 15]);

            $model = new Product();
            if($Button1) {
                $query = Product::find()->where(['between', 'price', "0", "50" ])->all();

            $pages = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $query->count(), 'pageSize' => 2, 'forcePageParam' => false, 'pageSizeParam' => false]);

            $products = $query->offset($pages->offset)->limit($pages->limit)->all();
            return $this->render('filter', compact('products', 'pages', 'filter', 'model'));


    namespace app\models;
    use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
    class Product extends ActiveRecord
        public $Button1;
        public $Button2;
        public $Button3;
        public $radioButtonList;

             public function behaviors()
            return [
                'image' => [
                    'class' => 'rico\yii2images\behaviors\ImageBehave',

        public static function tableName()
            return 'product';

        public function getCategory()

            return $this->hasOne(Category::className(), ['id' => 'category_id']);



<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
                                'id' => 'task-form',
                                'action' => \yii\helpers\Url::to(['category/filter']),

                         <?= $form->field($model, 'radioButtonList')
                                    'Button1' => 'от 0-1500',     
                                    'Button2' => 'от 3000-5000',
                                    'Button3' => 'от 5000-20000'
                                    'id' => 'radio_button',

                                ]); ?>
                            <?= Html::submitButton('Найти', ['class' => 'btn btn-success']);?>
                        <?php $form = ActiveForm::end() ?>



表单方法在“post”中,您尝试通过get 检索数据。 我会这样改:

public function actionFilter()
   $filter = trim(Yii::$app->request->post('filter'));
   $this->setMeta('MAC-SHOPPER | ' . $filter);
   if (!$filter) {
      return $this->render('filter');


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