php - 避免 fpdf 单元格中的重复项

标签 php alignment cell fpdf

这是一张截图,可以更清楚地向您解释我的每一个单元格如何与第一个单元格复制 1我是 PHP 的新手,我试图从 fpdf 制作一个 pdf,但困难在于我想将两个单元格彼此对齐,但单元格彼此复制。 这是我的代码:

  class pdf extends fpdf {

        enter code here

       function Footer() {

        enter code here

    //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
        //Arial italic 8
        //Page number
        $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');

     $pdf = new pdf('P','mm','A4');

                while ($lbl = mysql_fetch_assoc($get))
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Haji No-".$lbl["hajino"]."Ctr-"." ".$ctr,1,0,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Haji No-".$lbl["hajino"]."Ctr-"." ".$ctr,1,1,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,$lbl["suffix"]." ". $lbl["surname"]." ". $lbl["name"]." ". $lbl["midname"],1,0,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,$lbl["suffix"]." ". $lbl["surname"]." ". $lbl["name"]." ". $lbl["midname"],1,1,'L');

            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Room No - ". $lbl["roomno"]." "." "." "." "." "." "." ". "Bus No- ".$lbl["busname"],1,0,'L');
                    $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Room No - ". $lbl["roomno"]." "." "." "." "." "." "." ". "Bus No- ".$lbl["busname"],1,1,'L');



      } // Submit Tag Close




  class pdf extends fpdf {
       // enter code here

       function Footer() {
       // enter code here

    //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
        //Arial italic 8
        //Page number
        $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');


      $yheight=5;  //assign value for y-axis

     $pdf = new pdf('P','mm','A4');

$loopvariable=1; //to check page break

$side=0;//to check left or right record placement

                while ($lbl = mysql_fetch_assoc($get))
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Haji No-".$lbl["hajino"]."Ctr1-"." ".$ctr,1,1,'L');            
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,$lbl["suffix"]." ". $lbl["surname"]." ". $lbl["name"]." ". $lbl["midname"],1,1,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Room No - ". $lbl["roomno"]." "." "." "." "." "." "." ". "Bus No- ".$lbl["busname"],1,1,'L');



            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Haji No-".$lbl["hajino"]."Ctr2-"." ".$ctr,1,1,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,$lbl["suffix"]." ". $lbl["surname"]." ". $lbl["name"]." ". $lbl["midname"],1,1,'L');
            $pdf->Cell(85,6,"Room No - ". $lbl["roomno"]." "." "." "." "." "." "." ". "Bus No- ".$lbl["busname"],1,1,'L');
                if($loopvariable%16==0){$yheight=10;}//reset the y-axis value after every 16 records i.e. after every page break





      } // Submit Tag Close


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